school of the art institute of chicago, mfa print media, 2023

black hills state university, bfa studio art, 2020

Katie Beatta Hovden Wolff (b. 1997) is an interdisciplinary artist working in printmaking, fibers, collage, sculpture, and writing. She received her BFA in Studio Art from Black Hills State University in 2020 and her MFA in Studio Art with an emphasis in Printmedia at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) in 2023. An intuitive maker, Wolff’s studio practice is rooted in an unyielding curiosity for the inherent poetics of the body’s relationship to material.

Guided by intuition, I engage making as a question asked; undesirous of answers, my practice is sustained by curiosity and a commitment to pulling the loose threads. The photographic tendencies in my work are tethered to a familial archive of photos depicting places I am deeply attached to and intensely familiar with. Reproducing the vantage points of those who captured the original image, I step into a temporal dialogue of bearing witness to a mutually embodied place through time. By embedding the photographic image in material, directly or indirectly through modes of printmaking, I materialize and reconfigure an inherited landscape. In collaboration with concrete, textiles, photographs, found objects, and printed matter, I’m seeking a material poetics indexical to that which has made me.

email:, instagram: @katiebhwolff, cv